Union Congregational Church

3 Norman Ave., Magnolia, MA

Stained Glass Image of the Angel Gabriel

Invocations and Readings

Jim Longhurst

        Sept. 1 - Invocation and Leviticus 19: 9-18;

                                            James 3: 13-18   [ mp3 audio ]

Dina DiFluri

  August 25 - Invocation and Isaiah 55: 1-9;

                                       Matthew 6: 25-34  [ mp3 audio ]

Janis Flint-Ferguson

   Aug. 11 - Invocation and 2Kings 5: 1,10-14;

                                    Matthew 3: 1-2,5-6  [ mp3 audio ]

Paul Seavey

   June 23 - Invocation and Hebrews 11: 1-12;

       Matthew 17:14-21 Genesis 15:1-6  [ mp3 audio ]
