Union Congregational Church      3 Norman Ave., Magnolia, MA

Stained Glass Image of the Angel Gabriel

Worship Services

    9/1  How Will They Know?  [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

  8/25  Don't Spoil Your Appetite  [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

  8/18  Stepping into the Higher Ground  [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

  8/11  Wash in Living Waters  [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

    8/4  God's Story: Gather Together  [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

  7/28  What Makes for Christian Maturity  [mp4 video]  [mp3 homily]

  7/21  Blessed   [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

  7/14  Dwelling in Uncertainty   [ mp4 video ]  [ mp3 homily ]

Adult Sunday School

   Invocations and Readings          

   Howie's Weekly Reflections   (pdf)
