We are a group with diverse backgrounds and experiences, with different opinions and tastes, with predilections toward the dramatic and sublime or the prosaic and practical. We like sharing a meal, discussing current topics, gardening together, and group singing.
What draws us close is our common desire to live lives grounded in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and to be in relationship with a loving God and all creation; accomplishing this through the power of the Holy Spirit who enables us each moment of every day simply by humbly asking.
Choosing to live this life doesn’t mean it’s simple, we’re always happy, and nothing bad happens. We choose to live this life because we have community for help and encouragement, we have a loving God to dispel fear and isolation, and we have faith in the omnipotence of love no matter what transpires.
Living this life is always joyful. Curious? Come and see what we mean. We welcome everyone to participate. Join us Sundays at 10:30am.
We welcome your questions! Please send us a message.
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If there is a city-wide snow removal parking ban, church events may be cancelled. Events may be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. Cancellation announcements will either be on our website calendar or call our church office 978-525-3346.